Ensuring you have the best laser eyewear and protective equipment

Ensure you meet current EU regulations on laser safety with leading safety products and expert advice from us.

The DIN EN207/EN208 standards set out the levels of protection that are mandatory for different classes of laser equipment used throughout the medical, industrial, research, and military sectors. Our team of specialists can help you ensure you are using the correct and most cost-effective equipment to protect your employees and visitors from harmful laser radiation.

A guide on laser safety eyewear for Safety Officers and Users.

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Ensuring you have the best laser safety eyewear and protective equipment

Personal safety equipment

We design and manufacture a range of personal laser safety equipment including glasses and goggles, shutters, face shields, and viewing sheets. Plastic or acrylic absorption filters are matched against the wavelength and range of your laser equipment to create lightweight glasses and viewing windows that offer high levels of protection against radiation from pulsed lasers.

For medium to high-power continuous-wave lasers, safety goggles fitted with absorption filters and frames are often the only possible way to ensure that the protection you are providing meets the DIN EN207/EN208 standard.

In applications where good colour vision is essential, reflective and interference filters offer the highest optical densities combined with good daylight transmission and a choice of frames, whilst special filters can be fitted to protect against high-power mode-locked lasers.

Large-area laser protection

Acal BFi can also help you provide the highest level of protection against laser radiation in large areas. Protective equipment such as windows, barriers, CO2 walls, curtains and screens can provide protection in accordance with the DIN EN12254 standard. Our specialists can help you match the most suitable and cost-effective large-area safety equipment to wavelengths ranging from 180nm to 11000nm and to different types of lasers such as UV, visible, YAG, and CO2.


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